Kelty Goju-Ryu Karate


Keep up to date with the latest karate info.

Fife Karate Grading Spring 2022

SGKA Karate Grading Spring 2022

This year's spring grading will be held at Kelty community centre on 28th & 29th May from 08:45am.

The grading is fast approaching. You must attend both days to grade unless otherwise agreed. Registration is 8:45am on Saturday. This is your registration for the whole weekend. Make sure you are there early enough to hand in your form and fee. We want to start on time so don’t rock up at 9am.

SGKA Karate Grading Winter 2021

SGKA Karate Grading Winter 2021

This year's winter grading will be held at Kelty community centre on 27th & 28th November from 08:45am.

It is very important that all students put in the required work in order for them to grade over the weekend. In order to help get everyone up to speed and comfortable with what is required for their own grading, additional classes will be held in the weeks leading up to the grading event.

Karate animals wearing all colour karate belts