Kelty Goju-Ryu Karate

Parent or Legal Guardian Consent

The Scottish Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Association (SGKA) requires any participany who will not be at least 18 years of age on the first day of the class, program or tournament event must provide consent from their parent or legal guardian.

Full disclosure, informed consent to participate and liability release:

First Aid Consent

Personal Image Consent

This section is both to inform and request your permission for your child's photo/image and personally identifiable information to be used as publicity for the club, the assiciation or the website.

As you are aware, there are potential dangers associated with the posting of personally identifiable information on publicity material and a website since global access to these does not aloow us to control who can access such information. These dangers have always existed; however, we as the SGKA so want to celebrate your child and their achievements. The law requires that we ask for your permissionto use the information about your child.

Pursuant to law, we will not release any personally identifiable information without prior consent from you as parent or guardian. If you, as the parent or guardian, wish to rescind this agreement, you may do so at any time either by writing a letter to the secretary of the SGKA or by email to and such rescission will take effect upon receipt by the dojo.